FIFA 13, nuova patch per PlayStation 3

In ritardo sulla tabella di marcio Electronic Arts ha rilasciato una corposa patch per la versione PlayStation 3 di FIFA 13, la patch doveva arrivare a novembre, invece è uscita poche ore fa, meglio tardi che mai, come si suol dire. L’update sistema alcuni bug e migliora le prestazioni generali del gioco, oltre ad aggiornare le rose ed i database.

Qui sotto trovate il changelog ufficiale con tutti i cambiamenti e le migliorie apportate dalla patch.

  • Online Connectivity in the Arena when loading an Online Seasons match.
  • The rare occurrence of the ball becoming invisible during gameplay.
  • Audio commentary of player names when the game is set to Brazilian, Czech, Hungarian, Italian, or Polish.
  • Connectivity after selecting a position on Online Team Play and Clubs.
  • Pass responsiveness in the Passing ‘Skill Challenge’ Skill Game. The leaderboard for this specific Skill Game will be reset due to a scoring glitch.
  • Rare cases of physics elasticity when two players collide.
  • In Ligo Do Brasil, Vasco Da Gama and Palmeiras get authentic kits and team names.
  • Authentic kits for Botafago in Ligo Do Brasil.
  • Visibility of the radar, indicators, and scoreboards in offline matches after playing in Online Team Play.
  • Stability of FIFA Ultimate Team during single player tournaments.
  • A softlock when playing a friend in FUT.
  • A softlock when repeatedly purchasing FIFA Points.
  • Crashing in the Pro Clubs kit selection screen.
  • Issues with form display in the EA SPORTS Football Club Match Day update.
  • Functionality when bidding on items from the Watch List.
  • Undefined text on created players list after downloading squad updates.
  • The accurate crest is not shown on the Adidas All Star kit during a Club match.
  • Created player files misrepresented after downloading squad updates.
  • Uploaded replays overwriting other user media when sent to web profile.
  • FIFA Ultimate Team items showing overall stats of player instead of stats for current owner.
  • Stability when editing a Virtual Pro if the squad is full.
  • Stability when the loaning team rejects the loan purchase of a transferred player at the end of a season.
  • Player contracts increased by 1 did not take effect in player’s profile.
  • Penalty Kick Takers selected prior to a penalty shootout when playing as a Manager.
  • Continuation of player stories after the player is transferred/sold.
  • Stability of storyline system before a big match.
  • Stability after purchasing players in Career Mode.
  • Stability when a team selling a player rejects the transfer offer.
  • General stability during gameplay.

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