Killzone, patch 1.12 in dettaglio

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Guerrilla ha rilasciato lo “spiegone” con tutti gli aggiornamenti inclusi nella patch 1.12 per Killzone 3 che arriverà la settimana prossima sul PlayStation Network. Tra le principali novità introdotte dall’aggiornamento, la rimozione della possibilità da parte di un clan di ricollegarsi alle partite concluse, l’inserimento dello scramble come abilità attiva del Marksman.

La nuova patch per Killzone 3 includerà anche qualche revisione alle armi e al comparto audio, con la sostituzione dell’urlo dei soldati quando vengono colpiti. L’aggiornamento arriverà nello store digitale di PlayStation 3 il prossimo 6 settembre. Per visualizzare il changelog completo, veniteci a trovare dopo il salto.


  • Changed Marksman’s scramble ability into an active ability – The marksman scramble ability now needs to be activated and deactivated via the d-pad, and has a cooldown period.
  • Increased tracking response for engineer turrets – The turn speed of turrets has been increased, allowing them to track players more easily.
  • Increased armor for engineer turrets (30%) – Turrets can still be destroyed by a single explosion from a grenade or missile launcher.


  • Improved StA-2 Battle Pistol – Detonation time for the StA-2 Battle Pistol’s grenade is shorter, and the damage it deals is more severe.


  • Added realtime projector to MP15 Radec Academy – A realtime projector has been added to the theater room, projecting onto the large wall with two doors.


  • Toned down overly enthusiastic death screams – Aieeeeaaargh!


  • Increased mission points in Warzone – There is more of an incentive to go after mission objectives now.
  • Doubled cooldown time on mortars – Cooldown time was increased from 30 to 60 seconds to avoid spamming the Search & Destroy mission area.
  • Fixed tournaments not ending as soon as one clan leaves.
  • Fixed clans being able to rejoin games that were already finished – Clans used these exploits to boost their game wins and climb the leaderboards.
  • Reduced wait time at end of the round – The wait time was brought down from 60 to 45 seconds.
  • Reduced pre-game wait time at end of the round – The wait time was brought down from 30 to 20 seconds.


  • Added menu option to disable Sixaxis-only actions – Sixaxis-only actions can now be switched off in the menu, so players only have to press ‘O’ to start an action. This will make Killzone 3 more accessible to disabled players.
  • Added map name to spawn screen – The map name can be seen in the top left, under the titles.


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